We are in need of prayer right now. We are just having some adjustment woes. We are having difficulties adjusting to life in Bangkok. Bum is also feeling kind of lonely because she was surrounded by so many great and godly ladies while we were in the states and now she has very few close friends. She wants to have a mentor that can disciple and grow her as a godly wife and mom. Pray that God would meet this need in her life. Glynn is needing about the same thing only with a man and learning to be a Godly husband and dad.
Our devotional time together has been lacking but we are getting it back together. We have been praying and reading together more and we hope to increase the frequency with which we do both as a family. Finding time together for devotions and worship is difficult enough but with all the emotional stuff we are going through it is making it all that much harder. We both feel that it was God's timing when we moved back to Thailand and that he is teaching us something in what we are facing now. Pray that we would be patient and humble enough to see the lesson he is trying to show us.
God Bless,
Glynn, Bum, and Winter.
Thank you for this update, Reeves. Know that the Lees are praying for you this morning and we totally relate to your adjustment struggles! Be vigilant friends, for a strong faith is anything but automatic in ministry. Fight for closeness with Jesus and guard your heart's focus in this busy time. I am confident He will strengthen you all and reward your efforts and desire to love Him well. We are so thankful for your example of obedience and look forward to hearing of God's great work in and through you in Thailand!